Around Dutchland, February 1996

by Penny Pyrbred

Penny wants to extend her heartfelt sympathy to the family, human and canine, of Roberta Platt, Penn-Dutch President, who passed away in January. She will be greatly missed.

We are glad to note that Roberta was able to attend the 1995 Holiday party. We have a report from our stealth Pyr, Sasha Blackwell. The humans had their usual good time, eating, opening gifts, and especially making a fuss over our stealth Pyr. (We always manage to sneak one into this people only {bah, humbug} event.)

Juanita Gill did an excellent job of organizing the event and, as far as we know, has not experienced any repercussions from numerous infractions of the house rules. Rumor has it that the '96 party may be in a location which will allow a more open Pyr presence (about time)!

Penn-Dutch made an impressive showing at the 1996 Canine Learning Experience in Allentown, but we will have more about that in the next issue. The Pyr Pavilion was also seen at an all-breed match held in Lancaster County Park on September 30, 1995.

In international news, Gail Hillard sent in a wonderful picture (which unfortunately won't scan) of what looks like a Pyr sharing the top of his dog house with a cat following a flash flood in Huelva, Spain. While this could be a Pyrenean Mastiff (Spanish cousins of us Pyrs), its generous gesture is in the best tradition of our French heritage.

Pyr owners who walk their canine companions in Great Britain better be sure to carry plenty of poop bags. The village of Bruntingthorpe has begun genetic mapping of its canine citizens so that any unclaimed deposits found in the streets can be traced to the offending owner. (After all, without opposable thumbs we have a hard time picking up after ourselves.) Of course, no Pyr owner would ever fail to clean up after his/her fuzzy friend.

Think spring, and I'll see you soon.

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